Youth Players and Parents Code of Conduct

Ambassadors Football Club is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well being of all its members. The club believes that it is important that staff/coaches/volunteers and parents/guardians associated with the club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. Therefore, everyone is encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the club with the club welfare officer Derek Livingstone. Football clubs for children/young people should offer a positive experience where they can learn new things in a safe and positive environment.

As a member of Ambassadors F.C, you are expected to abide by the following code of practice:

Children/young players are expected to:•

Be loyal and give their team mates a second chance.

• Be friendly and particularly welcoming to new members.

• Be supportive and committed to other team mates, offer comfort when required.

• Not get involved in inappropriate peer pressure and push others into something they do not want to do.

• Be responsible for their own kit.

• Wear appropriate footwear/shin pads.

• Bring their own water bottle/fluid.

• Keep within the defined boundary of the playing/coaching area.

• Behave and listen to all instructions from the coach/volunteers.

• Take care of equipment owned by the club/centre.

• Refrain from the use of bad language or racial/sectarian references.

• Refrain from bullying or persistent use of rough and dangerous play.

• Show respect to other players, staff/coaches/volunteers and parents/guardians.

• Report inappropriate behaviour.

• Play fairly.

• Respect officials and accept decisions.

• Be gracious in defeat.

• Respect opponents and not cheat.

• Not use violence.

• Arrive on time.

• Take part in all elements of the session to the best of your ability, whether on training pitch or in the classroom.

• Be collected on time.Children/young people have the right to:

• Be safe and happy in football.

• Be listened to.

• Be respected and treated fairly.

• Privacy.

• Enjoy football in a protective environment.

• Be referred to professional help if needed.

• Be protected from inappropriate behaviour/abuse by other club/centre members or outside sources.

• Participate on an equal basis, appropriate to their ability.

• Experience competition and the desire to win.

• Be believed when asking for help.Any breach of the Code of Conduct for Children/Young Players will be addressed bythe immediate coach/volunteer and reported verbally and in writing to the designated Child Protection person/co-ordinator.

If a child/young player continues to breach the Code of Conduct after an initial verbal warning from the immediate coach/volunteer, the following disciplinary action should take place:

1st Official Warning…….. Reported to parent/guardian………2 week suspension. verbally & in writing.

2nd Official (final)……….. Reported to parent/guardian………Minimum 1 month Warning verbally and in writing suspension.

In extreme case expulsion will be considered.The club should form a Disciplinary Committee as well as an Appeals committee. If parents/guardians wish to appeal any of the committee’s decisions they must do so in writing, by special delivery letter, within 7 days of receiving official notification.The decision of the Appeals Committee shall be final and binding on all parties concerned and there should be no further appeals from it.

Parents Code of Conduct

Parents/guardians are expected to:
· Positively reinforce their child and show an interest in their football. Support their child’s
involvement and help them to enjoy football.
· Not place their child under pressure or push them into activities they do not want to do.
· Complete and return the Registration/Consent Form pertaining to their child’s participation.
· Deliver and collect the child punctually to and from coaching sessions/matches punctually.
· Ensure their child is properly and adequately attired for the weather conditions.
· Ensure that proper footwear and protective equipment are worn at ALL times. Any child/young
person not in possession of the fundamental requirements should not be permitted to participate.
· Detail any health concerns pertaining to the child on the consent form, in particular breathing or
chest conditions. Any changes in the state of the child’s health should be reported to the coach
prior to coaching sessions.
· Inform the coach/co-ordinator if their child has been ill or hurt recently.
· Inform the coach prior to departure from the field of play if the child is to be collected early from
a coaching session.
· Encourage their child to play by the rules and teach them that they can only do their best. Help
your child to recognise good performance, not just results.
· Acknowledge the importance and role of the club/centre coaches who provide their time free to
ensure children’s participation in the club/centre.
· Encourage their child to play by the rules and teach them that they can only do their best.
· Show appreciation and support the coach.
· Be realistic.
· Ensure their child’s hygiene and nutritional needs are met.
· Accept the referee/game supervisor’s judgement.
· Behave responsibly on the sidelines; do not embarrass your child.
· Encourage children to show respect.
· Promote their child’s participation in playing football for fun.
Parents/Guardians have the right to:
· Know their child is safe.
· Be informed of problems or concerns relating to their children.
· Be informed if their child is injured.
· Have their consent sought for issues such as trips.
· Contribute to decisions within the club/centre.
· Speak to the coach/co-ordinator and voice their concerns about the standard of coaching.

Any misdemeanours and breach of this code of conduct will be dealt with immediately by the coach/volunteer. Persistent concerns or breaches will result in the parent/guardian being asked not to attend the club/centre if their attendance is detrimental to the child’s/young person’s welfare. The ultimate action should a parent/guardian continue to breach the code of behaviour may mean the coach/co-ordinator regrettably asking the child/young person to leave the club. When registering my child at an Ambassadors programme I would have been made aware of the parents/guardians code of conduct and by registering my child/ children I agree to adhere to it.