Seniors Players Code of Conduct

We want our teams to be competitive, to back each other and believe they can be successful on and off the pitch. But we also know football is a competitive game and we are not perfect people and we as a club will try to be the best witness we all can.
This code of conduct was set in place to help define Ambassadors FC and give the club a clear identity. The code of conduct is to be upheld at all times by all AFC members.
The views and opinion’s of players and staff were taken into account when setting the
code of conduct at a meeting before training on 3/9/08.
– Every player is expected to play the game in a sporting manner and uphold the club vision (ethos) at all times.
– AFC players are expected to uphold the name of the club at all times, on and off the pitch.
– All members of AFC are expected to support and encourage the growth of the football club.
AFC will not for stand unsporting or inappropriate behaviour.
After signing for AFC players should not play for another team illegally.

Training –
Every player is expected to attend all aspects of training, especially the devotional part
as it is an integral part of the club. If the player cannot make training then he is expected
to inform the manager as soon as possible.
If the player does not contact the manager before training then he has no right to be in
the squad for the next game.

Match –
– All AFC members should attempt to attend and support the team at all games.
– Any AFC player that turns up under the influence of alcohol will be given a two game suspension.
– AFC players are expected to respect the management staff and their decisions at all
– All AFC players are expected to uphold the rules of the game at all times.
– No AFC player should attempt to use gamesmanship to gain an advantage over his
opponent. All AFC players can make conversation with the opposing player but should not wind up or incite them.
– Every player has a right to appeal decisions with the referee, once the referee has made his decision then nothing more should be said.

– No attempt should be made to influence the referee to gain decisions that are not theirs, therefore AFC players should never appeal for decisions that are not theirs.

– AFC players are expected to own up to decisions that go the wrong way.

-AFC players are expected to respect their teammates at all times. The referee and opposition should be respected at all times.

– After every game, the AFC players are expected to shake the hand of the opposition and referee.The Committee

– AFC will not stand unsporting or inappropriate behaviour.The club committee will deal with inappropriate behaviour as they see fit. The committee also has the right to define inappropriate behaviour.

All decisions made by the committee can be appealed.

The committee will also see that the club fine system is enforced.

Every AFC member is responsible for enforcing this code of conduct.

AFC encourages accountability between its players as we look to do football differently.The code applies for all signed players whether playing, supporting or on the side lines.